Scholarly Research on Western Indology

Scholarly Research on Western Indology

The Pearls of India Foundation's initiative to fund scholarly research critically analyzing Western Indologist's work from an Indic perspective, while incorporating Indian Post-Colonial Theory, represents a significant undertaking in the field of Indian studies. This research aims to deepen the understanding of how Western Indologists have influenced the study of Indian culture and society since the 15th century.

This critical analysis is essential for fostering a more accurate and nuanced perception of Indian culture and society globally. By identifying and addressing misrepresentations and biases within the context of Indian Post-Colonial Theory, researchers can bridge the divide between Indian and Western cultures, promoting a deeper appreciation of Indian culture in the West.

In summary, the Pearls of India Foundation's commitment to funding scholarly research analyzing Western Indologist's; work using Indian Post-Colonial Theory is a vital pursuit in the field of Indian studies. This research aims to identify and address misinterpretations and misrepresentations, enhance understanding of Indian culture in the West, and foster a more inclusive perspective on human culture and history. By incorporating post-colonial insights, this initiative can significantly impact the study of Indian culture and society.

Sponsor/Partner: Hindupedia

Chief Mentor/Advisor: Dr. Kundan Singh

Founder: Ratnam Chitturi

Contact: ratnam [dot] chitturi [at] pearlsofindia [dot] org

Founder: Ratnam Chitturi

Scholarly Research on Western Indology

Preserving Indic storytelling traditions